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The Basics of Pug

What is the origin of the Pug?
The Pug is considered an Oriental breed with ancestral ties to the Pekingese and perhaps the Shih Tzu. There is no clear date of introduction of the Pug and many people disagree due to the lack of records available. The Pug was introduced to America just after the Civil War and was recognized by the American Kennel Club in the mid-1880’s.

Is there a difference between fawn and black Pugs?
Aside from the color, there is no difference between the two. On average, Pugs live about 12 years, but they’ve been known to live well beyond their average life span with proper care, nutrition and of course some good luck.

Are Pugs easy to train?
Pugs are moderately easy to train, making them neither easy to train, nor difficult. They maintain a stubborn streak, which can present occasional problems. Fortunately, though, a Pug is a people dog who is eager to please and receive attention. . . . And they’re lovers of all things edible with the possible exception of lettuce and thus can be bribed to do what you want them to do rather easily.

Are Pugs good apartment dogs?
Absolutely! Pugs are small indoor dogs who don’t require a lot of room to run inside or outside, making them ideal for apartment dwellers. An apartment Pug needs consistent outdoor time in order to thrive in that setting.

Are Pugs good with children?
Yes, yes. . . . A thousand times yes! Pugs are among the most gentle and passive breeds of all. They will tolerate the prodding of a child, are generally not known to nip or bite, and are quite protective of the family and home.

Do Pugs bark a lot?
Not usually. Pugs are generally quiet dogs, though they can be taught to bark and make lots of noise. On a related note, the Pug’s bark is not yappy or shrill like the bark of some other small dogs.

Do Pugs shed a lot?
Do they ever! Most Pugs have a double coat of fur where the undercoat constantly grows and pushes the overcoat out. This, coupled with Pugs staying indoors most of the time and therefore not shedding based on the season, makes for a whole lot of shedding going on!

Are Pugs active dogs?
Generally, Pugs are not active dogs. There are some exceptions, however. Pugs spend a good part of their day, approximately 14 hours, sleeping. They do have bursts of activity throughout the course of the day, but those periods are short and usually end with the Pug retreating for a nice little nap.

Do Pugs require a lot of attention?
Yes. Pugs are people dogs. They like, and some say need, to be around people in order to be truly happy. They typically don’t bark or jump up on people, however, so a Pug’s need for people can be seen in where you’ll find your Pug. . . . At your feet, on your lap, or quietly following you around. It’s one of their greatest charms!

Do Pugs require any special grooming and care?
Yes. For information on Pug grooming, please see “Pug grooming tips” in this section. The most basic Pug grooming needs are regular cleaning of their facial folds and nail clipping. Pugs have difficulty coping with high heat, and their owners must diligently monitor the Pug’s tolerance for temperatures that are too high (or too low). One rule of thumb is, if you’re too hot or too cold, so is your Pug. High temperatures in particular can threaten a Pug’s short- and long-term health.

How much do Pugs cost?
This depends on several factors. First, the price of a Pug puppy varies greatly based on geographic location. Second, the quality of the Pug–whether it is pet quality or show quality–also plays a role in price. Third, the source of the Pug puppy makes a difference as well. For example, a show quality Pug puppy in the New York metropolitan area can cost upwards of $1,500 from well known and highly regarded breeders. A pet quality Pug puppy from a reputable breeder can cost $800 in the same area. In another state, the range can drop dramatically depending on the Pug’s availability and popularity in that area. From New England to Washington state, the price of a Pug puppy can range anywhere from $250-$2,000 depending on the these factors. 

Information courtesy of PugVillage